10 Tips For A Dog Friendly New Year's Eve.
You may think that New Year’s Eve is just like any other day for our dogs, but New Year’s Eve can be a waking nightmare for them. According to the German Animal Welfare Organization, New Year’s Eve is when more dogs are reported lost than any other day through the year. This explains why shelters see a greater number of lost dogs on New Year’s Day.
Dogs are more likely to run away due to increased stress levels triggered by:
- Noisey music
- Fireworks and firecrackers
- Bright lights
- Changes to their normal routine
- Unfamiliar people and surroundings
It is important to keep in mind that our dogs are much more sensitive to noise and smell in comparison to us hoomans. German shepherds, collies, and golden retrievers are known to be more sensitive in relation to other breeds according to Borrett Animal Hospital.
If you don’t plan accordingly or are aware of your dog's sensitivities you can risk your pet running away and getting lost (a Not-So-Happy-New-Year). So, be sure to take note of these 10 helpful tips we have prepared for you to have a dog-safe, happy and calm evening.
Like swaddling an infant, ThunderShirt’s patented design applies gentle and constant pressure to calm your dog. It is designed for dogs of all sizes and has received endorsements from various vets and dog-trainers. According to ThunderShirt, their product is proven to be 80% effective in reducing anxiety. The calming effect of the shirt is completely drug-free and ThunderShirt offers a 100% money back guarantee meaning that the manufacturer is confident with the effectiveness of it.
People frequently entering or exiting your home and your dog’s sensitivity to noises is a recipe for disaster. If you don’t provide an enclosed space for your dog, away from foot traffic, then they may dash out the door. Dogs tend to exhibit fight or flight behavior when they become stressed.
Adaptil’s Calm Home Diffuser is easy to use and when plugged in, can provide effective comfort to dogs in stressful situations. The diffuser releases “dog-appeasing” pheromones, an odorless scent particular to dogs. Don't worry! Hooman, cats and other pets will not smell it. The diffuser is clinically proven, veterinary used and recommended.
Dogs are very curious animals and there are tons of toys and treats available that can help keep your dog occupied and distracted for a while. The trick is knowing which one will work best…
Check out some of our favourites:
Prior to your New Year’s Eve festivities, take your dog for a longer walk or run around the park. If your dog has received lots of play time, the likelihood of him being more anxious and stressed will be lower since they will be tired.
Given the nature of New Year’s Eve for many, there may be substances around that are toxic to your dog. Some dangerous substances include:
- Alcohol
- Fireworks and sparklers
- Chocolate
- Cigarettes and drug substances
- Chemicals
- Salty snacks
Dogs who have consumed toxins may become lethargic, vomit, have difficulty walking, and experience a drop in blood and body pressure. Stay alert and inform your guests beforehand not to leave anything in reach of your dog. Protect your pooch!
Who says New Year’s Eve can’t be celebrated with dogs? There are various ways to enjoy the evening with your dog, friends, family and their dogs as well! You can host a small dog-friendly gathering and together bake some dog-friendly treats!
If you can’t spend quality time together then this is the next best option. Just like we arrange for a designated driver, it doesn't hurt to arrange for a designated dog watcher. It is important that someone pays attention to your dog throughout the evening (Esp if you are going to be distracted hosting). This hooman will be responsible for taking your dog for a walk, ensuring your dog is happy and calm and ultimately ensures their safety. A little extra TLC throughout the evening goes a long way to calm and protect your dog.
It’s a scary thought. Given the likelihood of missing dogs that run away on New Years Eve., it is better to be prepared than not. Make sure your dog is wearing a tag. The tag needs to be legible and contain your updated contact information. In addition to having a collar with a tag, many veterinary clinics and shelters recommend that your dog is microchipped. This is a preventative measure in case your pet slips out of their collar.
Decorations will support the ambiance of your New Year’s Eve Festivities. However, some dogs are indiscriminate eaters. A dog's curiosity or boredom can be a hefty vet bill. So we recommend that if you are hosting this year's party, avoid decorations that can be reached by your dog. Decorations like the streams and glitter cause life threatening blockages.